Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities News Article

1:1 Reading Mentoring Module Course

OCECD uses an evidence-based program of 1:1 reading mentoring for students reading below grade level, including students with disabilities. Students make the most reading gains when they are mentored 3-4 times per week by mentors using Reading A-Z’s Tutoring and Mentoring packs.  Families who complete the on-demand (see below- Enroll in this course today!) four part reading mentoring training can receive a one-year subscription to www.readinga-z.com. Schools or organizations using these mentoring materials need to purchase the annual license through www.readinga-z.com.  Independent studies have shown that students receiving 1:1 reading mentoring make one month reading level gain for each month of intervention.

This course is available at no cost to families, schools, and organizations supporting struggling readers. Enroll today!

Enroll in this course today!

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Ideas that work, Office of special education programs, U.S. department of education.