Understanding and Writing an IEP & Parent’s Rights in the Special Education Process - (CLOSED)
Starting 3/14/2019 at 4:30 PM
Event Groups:
• Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities - OCECD Events
Understanding and Writing an IEP – Participants will gain an understanding of the IEP components and the
documentation necessary to develop an IEP. Discussion will focus on who is required to be involved in the
development of an IEP and what the parent and school roles are in the process. Each section of the IEP will be
reviewed with an explanation of what information is required by IDEA 2004 and what needs to be recorded in the various IEP sections.
Parent’s Rights in the Special Education Process – Participants will gain a functional knowledge of
parent’s rights under IDEA 2004. The six components of FAPE will be discussed and explained. Timelines under
IDEA, as well as, the evaluation, referral and testing process will be covered. Participants also will learn the basic
facts about mediation, ODE complaint procedures, resolution meetings and due process procedures. 
Nancy Crabtree, OCECD, will present the above listed trainings.
Head Start
238 Baltimore Street
Dayton, OH 45404
Head Start, 238 Baltimore St. Dayton, OH 45404