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New My Adventures in Youth Empowerment Comic

My Adventures in Youth Empowerment New Comic on Social Interactions

My Adventures in Youth Empowerment - Social Interactions

Get ready for something AWESOME, Ohio! The Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities just dropped the FOURTH issue of our “Youth Empowerment” comic series!

This series is all about leveling you up with the skills you need to become your own self-advocate. In this latest installment, you'll dive deeper into the world of social interactions, discover the power of self-determination, and learn how to take control of your own story! This is just another chapter in an ongoing adventure, so stay tuned for even more epic tales from the My Adventures in Youth Empowerment series!

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Previous Comic Releases

My Adventures in Youth Empowerment

In Issue #1 of My Adventures in Youth Empowerment, readers will explore the essential question: Why should youth empowerment matter to me?
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My Adventures in Youth Empowerment

In Issue #2 of My Adventures in Youth Empowerment, readers will explore the essential question: Why Self-Advocacy is important to me!
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Why Self-Advocacy is Important to me continued!

In Issue #3 of My Adventures in Youth Empowerment, readers will continue to explore the essential question: Why Self-Advocacy is important to me!
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OCECD Youth Resources

Explore guides, tips, and tools designed to empower you on your journey to independence. Don't miss out on these awesome resources—click the link to dive in!