A Matter of Trust: Family-Professional Partnership Practices that Promote Post-Secondary Success
This webinar provides attendees with actionable practices that build equitable and trusting partnerships between families and professionals, with the intent to collaboratively plan for post-secondary student success. Attendees will learn the science of trust and how it is applied to partnership practices to generate meaningful academic, social, and behavioral outcomes for students with disabilities.
Breaking Bad
Understanding how to address students with challenging behaviors is difficult for many families and professionals. This webinar will walk participants through the major pitfalls of addressing problem behaviors in schools and the home. Attendees will learn the science of human behavior, including strategies, resources, and tools to overcome changing even the most difficult behaviors.
Keep Calm and Move On
This webinar will provide background knowledge about how the brain
responds to emotional triggers, including those associated with trauma. Attendees will learn evidence-based interventions for teaching self-regulation skills to students with challenging behaviors, including teaching and empowering students to understand their own behaviors, triggers, and successfully self-manage emotions when needed.
What Does the Law Have to Do with It?
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) can be overwhelming and challenging to understand and interpret. This webinar provides attendees with a deeper look at understanding the principles of the least restrictive environment, as well as providing appropriately ambitious educational opportunities for students, including meaningful behavioral support. Both the letter and intent of the IDEA will be described in a clear and understandable way for families and professionals
About The Presenter Dr. Tracy Gershwin is a professor at the University of Northern Colorado where she specializes and studies family-professional partnership practices through collaboration and consultation, IEP practices, conflict prevention and dispute resolution in special education, special education law, applied behavior analysis, and interventions for children and youth with challenging behaviors.